Advice, Amalekites, Children of Israel, David, Father, Israel, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Knowledge, Leader, Leadership, Lessons, Lord, Promised Land, Understanding, Wisdom

What lessons can we learn from leaders who asked God for advice?

The men of Israel wanted to know if these men were telling the truth. So they tasted the bread—but they did not ask the Lord what they should do.

Joshua 9:14 (ERV)

Last week, we learned that Joshua failed as a leader to ask God for advice before making agreement with the Hivites because he judged based on appearance alone.

Throughout the Bible there are leaders who sought advice from God before they decided to act and we will see what lessons we can learn from some of them.

King David

When the Amalekites invaded Ziklag, the camp where David and his men stayed and burned it; and took the women and children captive, David comforted himself in The Lord and asked The Lord whether he should pursue after this troop. God answered him and said he should pursue for he will surely overtake them and recover all (1 Samuel 30:8).

Lesson learned: Even in the midst of loss, distress and confusion, leaders must learn to comfort ourselves in The Lord and ask for His advice.

King Jehoshaphat

When King Jehoshaphat was told that a large army was coming against him he became afraid and he decided to ask The Lord what to do. He announced a time of fasting for everyone in Judah. All the people came from out of all the towns of Judah to ask for The Lord’s help. In his public prayer King Jehoshaphat reminded God that they didn’t have the strength to stop the large army that was coming against them. He admitted that they did not know what to do and they were looking to Him for help.

The Lord then spoke through a Prophet and reminded the King that the battle is not his battle, it is The Lord’s. The next day as King Jehoshaphat led the people in praise and worship The Lord set ambushments against their enemies and they turned on themselves and killed each other (2 Chronicles 20:1-29).

Lesson learned: When we are afraid we must admit our utter weakness and ask The Lord for help.

King Solomon

When God appeared to Solomon in a dream and told him to ask whatever he wanted, Solomon asked The Lord to give him wisdom and knowledge so that he can lead the people in the right way for he recognised that no one can rule the great nation of Israel without God’s help. In response, God told him that because he did not ask for long life and riches for himself or the death of his enemies, but instead asked for wisdom and knowledge so that he can make the right decisions, God gave him wisdom and knowledge, but He also gave him wealth, riches, and honour (2 Chronicles 1: 1-13).

Lesson learned: As leaders we must have the right attitude of continually asking God for wisdom and knowledge and He will give us also the other by-products of wisdom which is wealth, riches and honour.

King Hezekiah

When King Hezekiah heard that the king of Assyria sent his officials with a large army in Jerusalem and that they were blaspheming the God of Israel, he told the people to remain silent and not to say anything to them. He put on mourning clothes and went to the house of God and then he sent some officials to see the Prophet Isaiah to seek God’s advice as to what to do. Isaiah gave them a word from the Lord that they should not be afraid because He will send a spirit against the king of Assyria. He will get a report warning him about a danger, so he will return to his own country. And God said He will cut him down with a sword in his own country and this is exactly what happened (2 Kings 19:1-7).

Lesson learned: As leaders, whenever we hear a bad report doubting either our God or our integrity, we too must remain silent and take our compliant to the Lord and He will answer on our behalf.

Jesus Christ

The night before His crucifixion, Jesus Christ was praying on the Mount of Olives in agony, asking The Father that if He was willing, He should not make Him drink from the cup of suffering. Nevertheless, He said God’s will should be done and not His will. An Angel from heaven then came and strengthened him (Luke 22:42-43).

Lesson learned: Like Jesus, when we are facing a difficult situation that we would rather not face, we too should tell the Lord that not our will, but let His will be done in our lives.


Dear Father, I ask that You give me the wisdom to do Your will and understanding to lead Your people in Jesus name, amen.

Listen to the Message

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How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose Through Dreams

Do you know God’s purpose for your life? If not, please listen to the audio version of: How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose Through Dreams
