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If you have faith, you can have what you say


Thursday 7th June 2017

And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.

Matthew 21:22


The Bible is full of God’s faithful promises that He says he will fulfill in our lives. The Bible makes wonderful promises from God to us, from the promise of protection, to the promise of His love for us and His ability to restore broken lives.  Another of God’s promises is that if we have faith in our prayers and believe we will have what we ask for, God will hear our requests and answer us.

1, God’s currency is faith

In the physical realm we require money as a currency to survive in order to acquire shelter, food, clothing and entertainment. In the spiritual realm, God requires faith. God’s word says without faith we cannot please God.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Hebrews 11:6

With faith we can receive all that God has promised us. In order to receive, God’s word tells us we only need the faith of a mustard seed.

2, We only need the faith of a mustard seed

God only requires a mustard seed of faith to activate his power. We can pray to receive faith. The more we read and meditate on the word of God in the Bible, the more our faith will grow.

So the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.

Luke 17:6

Man’s faith activates God’s power. In Mark 5:25-34, we are told the story of the woman with an issue of blood for 12 years. She had persisted with doctors and no one could heal the persistent blood flow. The Bible says it was the woman’s faith that healed her. Without faith, the healing she encountered would have never taken place.


With faith all things are possible. We can pray to God to help us faith. The more we read the Bible the more we will have faith and receive God’s promises.  God is faithful to His promises and His word. He says He is a God that cannot lie (Numbers 23:19). In that case, we can rest assured that all we ask for from God, in line with God’s word will be given to us.



Living Life on Purpose Coaching




Financial Literacy Workshop, 13 May 2017
Millionaire Tour to London, 21-25 August 2017


New Books for 2017

How Jesus Healed

How to Discover Your Life in 30 Days Workbook

God bless,

Blessing Theophilus-Israel

Spiritual Life Coach





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Do you want to be healthy and strong?

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Do you want to be healthy and strong?


Do not be wise in your own eyes;

Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

It will be health to your flesh,

And strength to your bones.

Proverbs 3:7-8


In today’s Proverb, we are told how to be healthy and strong in our body:

1, Don’t be wise in your own eyes

The first remedy to be healthy and strong is not to be wise in our own eyes. The Bible tells us that the wisdom of man is foolishness to God therefore as much as we may think we know it all, what we know is nothing compared to our God. We should humble ourselves and seek the wisdom of God in everything we do including in our health:

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

Proverbs 14:12 (ESV)

2, Fear God

If we want to be healthy and strong we are told to fear God. The fear of God is having holy reverence and respect for God knowing that He made us and our lives are in His hands:

Whoever fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge

Proverbs 14:26 (NIV)

3, Depart from Evil

If we want to be strong and healthy we have to be willing to depart from doing evil because evil things only lead to sickness and eventually death. Instead we have to do good so that it will go well for us:

Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever.

Psalm 37:27 (NIV)


Dear Lord, please help me not to be wise in my own eyes but to fear You and depart from evil in Jesus name.


Living Life on Purpose Coaching




 Goal Setting Workshop for Children

 Breakthrough to Your Purpose Retreat 2017


New Books for 2017

How Jesus Healed

How to Discover Your Life in 30 Days Workbook


God bless,

Blessing Theophilus-Israel

Spiritual Life Coach



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Do you want God to direct your paths?

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Do you want God to direct your paths?

In all your ways acknowledge Hi

And He shall direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:6

We all want to know that we are walking in our purpose and in the correct path that God has mapped out for us. So what can you do for God to direct your path?

  1. Acknowledge God

First and foremost we are told that we should acknowledge God if we want Him to direct our paths. The way we do this is to present everything we are doing to the Lord and ask Him to direct our steps:

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He shall direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:6

  1. Ask for His direction

Like the Psalmist, we too must ask God to show us the path that we should take and which road we should follow:

Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.

Psalm 25:4


  1. Commit all your ways to God

When we commit all our ways to the Lord, He will direct our steps and bring whatever we have committed to Him to pass:

Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you

Psalm 37:5

In summary, for God to direct our paths, we must acknowledge Him, ask for His direction and commit all our ways to Him.



Dear Lord, I commit everything I do to You therefore please lead me in the path of righteousness in Jesus name.



Living Life on Purpose Coaching




5 K Fundraising Walk

Goal Setting Workshop for Children

Breakthrough to Your Purpose Retreat 2017


New Books for 2017

How Jesus Healed

How to Discover Your Life in 30 Days Workbook


God bless,

Blessing Theophilus-Israel

Spiritual Life Coach




Act, Advice, Ask, God, Great Leadership, Guidance, Holy Spirit, How To, Israel, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Knock, Leader, Leadership, Seek, Wait

How do you ask God for advice?

 The men of Israel wanted to know if these men were telling the truth. So they tasted the bread—but they did not ask the Lord what they should do.

Joshua 9:14 (ERV)

Last week, we looked at what lessons we can learn from leaders who asked God for advice before they took a decision. The question today is, how do we ask God for advice?

In the Old Testament, The Holy Spirit was not yet poured out upon people therefore leaders could not go directly to God, instead they had to ask Prophets and Priests to ask God on their behalf for advice on what they should do.

We thank God that we have a High Priest, our Lord Jesus through Whom we can now come boldly to the throne room of God, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:14-16).

Believers in Jesus Christ have been given the precious gift of The Holy Spirit, Who knows the mind of God. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, who guides us into all truth and tells us about the future (John 16:13). If you haven’t yet received Him, please give your life to Jesus and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit.

How do you ask God for advice?

  1. Ask

We must simply go to God The Father as little children and ask Him whatever is in our heart. I personally find it helpful to write down the questions on paper. Jesus said whatever we ask in His name, He will do, that The Father may be glorified in the Son. If we ask anything in His name He assures us that He will do it (John 14:13-14). The Bible says if you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking (James 1:5);

  1. Seek

To seek is to search for or to desire something. Don’t give up, keep on searching to obtain the answer. We are told to seek The Lord while He may be found; call on him while He is near (Isaiah 55:6);

  1. Knock

To knock is to beat a door to gain admittance. Jesus encouraged us that we should always pray and not give up. We must be like the persistent widow who kept going to the judge to get justice for her from her adversaries. For a while he did nothing however he eventually avenged her because he was tired of her persistence. In this parable Jesus was showing that although God’s people call to Him night and day, He will always give us what is right. He will not be slow to answer us, He will help His people quickly (Luke 18:1-8);

  1. Wait

After all the asking, seeking, and knocking in prayer, we must wait for the answer. This is where most of us get impatient however in waiting God may be trying to develop in us patience which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Remember that God’s timing is not our timing. With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day (2 Peter 3:8). Waiting on The Lord is good for us because it renews our strength:

But those who wait on the Lord

Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings like eagles,

They shall run and not be weary,

They shall walk and not faint

(Isaiah 40:31)

  1. Act

Once you have asked and waited on The Lord for advice, and He gives you the direction to take, do whatever He tells you to do. At the marriage in Cana Mary told the servants that they must do whatever Jesus tells them (John 2:5).


Dear Father, I thank You that You are always ready to hear me when I call upon You. I now ask You to give me wisdom and advice in the following areas…………….. Help me to be patient in waiting upon You for the answer. Please give me courage so that I will do whatever You tell me to do in Jesus name, amen.

Next week, we will look at the different ways in which God may give us advice.

Listen to the Message

You can also listen to this message on YouTube here:


How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose Through Dreams

Do you know God’s purpose for your life? If not, please listen to the audio version of: How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose Through Dreams

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! We thank God that Jesus Christ is no longer dead, He is risen and because He lives we can live also.

God bless,

