Action, God, Jesus Christ, Land, Possessions, Promised Land, Refuge, Uncategorized, Waiting, Works

God is waiting on you to possess the land

Then Joshua said to the children of Israel: “How long will you neglect to go and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers has given you?

Joshua 18:3

A time came when the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of meeting there. Even though they had captured most of the land, there were still seven tribes of the children of Israel which had not yet received their inheritance. Joshua then asked them how long they were going to wait around until they took possession of the land. This teaches us a number of important lessons about our own journey here on earth:

  1. The land is there for you to possess

Joshua told the children of Israel that God had already given them the land and that land was there to be possessed. God has placed a land or territory for all of us as His children to inherit here on earth. That land represents an assignment that He has placed you on earth to fulfil. When you wait on Him and obey Him, He will promote you to possess the land:

Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you shall see it.

Psalm 37:34 (NKJV)

  1. The key to possess the land is taking action

Joshua told the children of Israel that the land was there for them to possess and was encouraging them to take action. Likewise whatever assignment God has placed in your heart to achieve can become a reality if you are determined to take action to bring it to pass. James tells us that if we say we have faith but we don’t take action it is completely useless:

Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

James 2:17 (NKJV)


Dear Lord, please help me not to be a hearer of Your Word only but to be a doer in Jesus name.

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How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose Through Dreams

Do you know God’s purpose for your life? If not, please buy a copy of: How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose Through Dreams

God bless,


dream, How To, Life, purpose

How to discover your life’s purpose through dreams

There are many types of dreams, however my purpose in this article is not to go through them all and focus on interpreting their meaning. The journey I invite you on is to look at what I call Significant or Great dreams or Epic dreams.

Such significant dreams – where you see yourself doing something big, something spectacular – are very much linked to purpose. I believe they are a message from God about the reason why you were born, and they are an indication of what you have been created to do. This verse from the Bible below demonstrates that God speaks to us and gives us His instructions through dreams:

For God may speak in one way, or in another,

Yet man does not perceive it.

In a dream, in a vision of the night,

When deep sleep falls upon men,

While slumbering on their beds,

Then He opens the ears of men,

And seals their instruction.

Job 33:14-16

If you have had such epic dreams, how do you go about understanding what it means and how to move forward to make sure it comes true? I would suggest you take the following steps, which I myself have tried and tested:

  1. Write down your dreams 

First of all, write down the dream or dreams that you have dreamt which indicates your future path. The Bible encourages us to write the vision:

Then the Lord answered me and said:

“Write the vision

And make it plain on tablets,

That he may run who reads it.

For the vision is yet for an appointed time;

But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.

Though it tarries, wait for it;

Because it will surely come,

It will not tarry.

Habakkuk 2:2-3

When Daniel had a dream he wrote it down:

In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream, telling the main facts.

Daniel 7:1

2. Acknowledge God

Dreams and their meaning are given by God. Therefore, once you have written down the dream, acknowledge that it is God who gave you this dream and thank Him for it.

3. Ask God for interpretation 

Now that you have acknowledged that it is God that gave you the dream(s), ask God to tell you what the dream(s) mean(s). He is the one who gave you the dream, therefore He is your best guide to understanding the dream. To do this I suggest you simply go humbly to God and ask Him what the dream meant. Do this every night for 30 days before you sleep until the answer comes to you. You simply say something like this:

Father God, please tell me, what does this dream …. mean?

 4. Keep a record of the answers

For the duration of that 30 days, have a notebook and pen next to your bed, so that if an answer or anything of significance comes to you while you sleep you can write it down upon waking. The meaning that you seek may come in a day, two weeks, or it may take the full 30 days; don’t give up, it will come. My suggestion of 30 days comes from my own experience; before I knew my purpose, I spent 30 days asking God what the purpose of my life was and He answered me in a dream within a month. Sometimes the answers may come to you as a vision or a thought when you are awake, perhaps doing something mundane such as washing dishes.

5. Think of ideas of how to achieve the dream

Next, take a clean sheet of paper and ask yourself this question:

Based on the answer I got about the dream, how can it be achieved?

Write down any thoughts or ideas that come to mind, for example, if your dream is that you are going to be a best-selling author, sit down with a notepad and ask God, what topic would You want me to write about? Fiction, Non-Fiction? As you sit still, answers will come to you, possible book titles will form. Write these down as they come, along with anything else that manifests from your brainstorming. Try to keep at it until at least 20 ideas are on your list. You may do this exercise and find that inspiration comes to you much later when you are in the middle of something else.

6. Commit your ideas to God

Once you have your great ideas written down, commit them into the hands of God and ask Him for guidance and wisdom on the best way to move forward:

Commit your way to the Lord,

Trust also in Him,

And He shall bring it to pass.

Psalm 37:5

Commit your works to the Lord,

And your thoughts will be established.

Proverbs 16:3

 7. Take action

Next look at the list of ideas and consider what you can take action on immediately and do it. Look at this list every morning for the next 30 days and add more ideas to it as they come. Do something every day that moves you towards the attainment of your dreams. You will be astounded by what you achieve in a short space of time. To help you to track your progress, do record your achievements on a daily basis. Remember to keep praying to God for courage and strength to take these steps.

Get more tips on discovering your purpose through my free ebook ‘How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose Through Dreams’ which is available for download:
