Commit your plans to the Lord, Plans, Pray, Prayer, Uncategorized, Wisdom

Why should we commit our plans to the Lord?

Why should we commit our plans to the Lord?

Commit your works to the Lord,

And your thoughts will be established.

Proverbs 16:3 (NKJV)

We are being told in this scripture to commit all our plans to Lord so that our thoughts will be established. When our thoughts are established, we will know exactly what to do. The question is, what does committing our plans to God entail?

  1. Pray before you act

Committing our plans to the Lord means that before we make decisions about something that we are not sure about, we should pray and ask the Lord to direct us. We also need to trust Him and act on whatever He directs us to do:

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV)

  1. Ask God for wisdom

Asking God for wisdom before we take a major decision is one way in which we can commit our plans before the Lord. It means we humble ourselves and acknowledge Him that we don’t know the best course of action to take and we ask Him to direct our steps:

In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)

  1. Put your plans before the Lord

For us to commit our plans to the Lord, we have to commit all that we are doing before the Lord and ask Him to make our plans successful:

And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!

Psalm 90:17 (NLT)


Dear Lord, I choose to commit all my plans into Your hands, please let my thoughts be established in Jesus mighty name.


Prayer Book for Your Business

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Assignment, Business, Business Development, Coaching, Holistic, Jesus Christ, purpose, Research

After the idea, then the research 

Some went down to the sea in ships, doing business on the great waters; they saw the deeds of the Lord, His wondrous works in the deep (Psalm 107:23-24)

I have decided to use the scripture above because it encapsulates what has been happening in my life since I decided to follow the Lord’s leading and go into business.

After I got the idea to go into business, I went about to research what business entails. I read ‘Run your own business’ by Kevin Duncan. This is a step-by-step little book on how to go about establishing your own business. I followed the practical tips contained in the book including information about how to set up a spreadsheet of current and prospective clients. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to teach themselves how to run a business.

I have found that when God gives you an assignment, He provides the resources (people, ideas, money etc.) to help you to fulfil it. Within about two weeks of me getting the idea about running my business, I was on the bus going home one evening after work and I was speaking to a very friendly polished looking young man about his day. It transpired that he had a very tough upbringing and grew up with insecurity and fear. I commented that you would not think he had gone through such an ordeal and still have his positive attitude.

He informed me that a few years ago a family friend recommended him to a holistic practice which is run by unconventional doctors. He explained that the doctors address the psychological and spiritual aspects of their clients and not just focus on the symptoms of the problem which is what we often see on the outside. He told me that his life has changed dramatically from the person he once was, and he is a new man.

I then told him about my idea, that I am setting up a spiritual coaching business that will first and foremost look at the inner state of my clients and help them to discover who they really are and what they had been created to do by connecting their spirits back to God their Creator. This man was really encouraging and told me that with the way things are going in the world with all the negativity that is around, this business will definitely be needed in the years ahead. I also asked the man how I can go about finding clients and he suggested I start a blog, hence this blog.

As soon as I heard this, my spirit perked up and after the man left the bus, an idea came to me straightaway, to write a book on ‘How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose Through Dreams’. I immediately got my iPad out and the result is my first book which will be launched in June. This conversation took place in February and by March the first draft of the book was ready, that is how fired up I am.

After this, I also set up my profile on Linkedin and sent a few messages to people about my idea. I received positive responses straightaway and met with people the following week who were so interested in the idea. Most people have heard of Life Coaching, but Spiritual Life Coaching is not something that you hear about everyday. Therefore from the little research I have done with people, I know the need is certainly out there.

So my advise is, whatever business idea God gives you, do your research, and the best research I know and have been using, is talking to people, because they are the ones we are here to serve. Sign up on my website to receive your free copy of my first book:

With love,


Book, dream, Guidance, Jesus, Jesus Christ, purpose, Spiritual

I saw the same dream twice!

So last week, I explained how I came to discover my life’s purpose through dreams. I shared how I saw myself being ordained as a Pastor by my local Pastor, Bishop Creswell Green. I was so shocked by the dream that I asked the Lord to show me the dream again or to confirm if that dream came from Him.

Two weeks later I had the same dream and knew then that it was from God. You will recall from the Bible that Joseph told Pharaoh that God had showed him the dream twice because it was certain, so the fact that I saw the same dream twice suggested to me that God’s plan for me was also to be fulfilled.

After I woke up from the second dream I accepted my calling and recommitted my life to God and asked Him to guide me. Within a few weeks of this commitment, God started bringing people my way who needed spiritual guidance and I was put in a position where I could teach them the Word of God, encourage them and pray with them. The Lord began to soften my heart and allowed me to go through various challenges so that I could have compassion on those who are also suffering.

There are other significant dreams I have since had about my life’s purpose which you can read about in my forthcoming book ‘How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose Through Dreams’.
